09 February 2018

Royal Lady Flashback: Lady Brigid Guinness

Brigid Katharine Rachel Guinness (1920-1995)
The Honourable Brigid Guinness (1920-1927)
The Lady Brigid Guinness (1927-1945)
Her Royal Highness Princess Frederick of Prussia (1945-1967)
The Lady Brigid Ness (1967-1995)

A daughter of the 3rd Earl of Iveagh, Lady Brigid Guiness met her royal husband, Prince Frederick of Prussia, while working as a nurse during World War II. He had been briefly interred as a German national living in Britain, but he had been released and was learning about farming in her family's neighborhood when they met. The couple had five children, the youngest of whom is now the Duchess of Wellington. In 1966, Frederick when missing while staying at his castle in Germany. His body was later found drowned in the Rhine although it was never clear whether he had died by suicide of accident. Fourteen months later, Brigid married Major Anthony Ness. They were married 26 years until his death. She survived him for about two years.

These photos are from the 1952 christening of her second daughter Princess Victoria Marina, whose royal godmother is Princess Alexandra of Kent, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II.


  1. In the picture of the Christening group is the Duchess of Kent, but no Princess Alexandra - that seems strange unless it was the Duchess who was the godmother?

  2. They lived at Pyrford Court during this time. You may know it better as the house in the film, The Omen
