13 November 2017

Countdown to the 70th: The Queen & Prince Philip's 1st Decade

In this daily series, we will countdown the last week until the 70th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh (formerly a Prince of Greece). Each day, we will offer just a few snaps from each decade of their marriage.

Today, we celebrate the first 10 years. In this time, Philip renounced his original royal titles and gained new British ones, the couple married and had their first two children. They were enjoying a quiet life as a Navy couple living primarily in Malta when Elizabeth was suddenly called to the throne upon the death of her 56-year-old father. She was only 25. Growing their family was delayed as she learned how to be a queen and he learned how to cope with playing second fiddle to his wife after giving up his military career. Philip even faced the indignity of being denied the right to give his chosen surname, Mountbatten, to his children. Instead the Royal Family's name and the Royal House would continue to be Windsor.

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